
And So It Begins

You know the old saying, "This is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well today was more like the last day of my old life. I finally gave my company my two weeks notice. I have been thinking about this day for the last two and a half years, it finally happened... and like many things in life it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. For one thing, I still have to work for 9 more days (yay Labor Day!) But secondly, now I actually have to pack and move.

But in the meantime, Miss Sarah is coming to visit this weekend and I can't wait to take her to Petite Chou in Carmel. I can't believe it has taken me my entire time in Indy to find this place but I am obsessed. Seriously my goal in the next two weeks is drink my way through the entire champagne cocktail menu. Classy goal, eh?


Anonymous said...

Liz I am so excited for our champagne brunch and to geek it up tonight!

Nick said...

Good luck! You've taken a big step in life! :)

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