You know the old saying, "This is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well today was more like the last day of my old life. I finally gave my company my two weeks notice. I have been thinking about this day for the last two and a half years, it finally happened... and like many things in life it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. For one thing, I still have to work for 9 more days (yay Labor Day!) But secondly, now I actually have to pack and move.
But in the meantime, Miss Sarah is coming to visit this weekend and I can't wait to take her to Petite Chou in Carmel. I can't believe it has taken me my entire time in Indy to find this place but I am obsessed. Seriously my goal in the next two weeks is drink my way through the entire champagne cocktail menu. Classy goal, eh?
Liz I am so excited for our champagne brunch and to geek it up tonight!
Good luck! You've taken a big step in life! :)
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