James and I have never been able to agree on sports teams.
Me James
Ohio State Michigan
Browns Bengals
Indians Reds
Cavs Any team but the Cavs
However this changed when we united over our dislike of the Gators... we became Georgia fans. Last year was our first year attending the World's Largest Cocktail Party and this year we plan on attending again.

This year is even more exciting because Becky is coming for Halloween and the game!!!! <-- Notice "the game" wasn't capitalized? That's because there is only one "The Game".
I was looking for a great picture of the Landing to show Becky what to expect, but I came across this great story from two years ago instead: The World's Largest Cocktail... Wedding?
All I could think is "I need a shirt like that to wear to The Game next year."
That's pretty funny, LOL!
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