Today I was having one of those days where nothing was going right. During every phone call I was on I'd receive two more beeping in, I got none of the things on my to do list accomplished, and had several really un-fun phone calls with a customer about money... Did I mention that there was also a language barrier with that customer? I also spent two really unproductive phone calls with my insurance company getting information that I could have just have gotten from my dad. Basically, it was just a day that frustrates and tires someone out.
It's easy to get in a downward spiral when we have these type of days. You let these bad moments cloud your overall perception of life and view every additional event in a negative light. I know this a really bad habit of mine, so I've decided to take a minute and remember how really lucky I am.
I have a family that is really close (my bro and me at my college graduation)
I'm alive and healthy even after two serious car accidents (my first Acura after a semi ran me off the road)
I've been given the opportunity to travel and see parts of the world others don't (The Chateau where I studied abroad in Lux)
I've had amazing friendships that have lasted the post college-out of state trials (me and Sarah NYE '07; Miss Becky looking not)
Aaaand I get to marry this:
And lastly, I've matured greatly since my freshman year of college. I know this should be a given, but I don't think everyone does. So I'll end this post with a whiney Freshman year Xanga post. Present day edits in green.
Ok guys I know it's been awhile but it has been crazy busy here. You are a freshman, taking easy classes... doubtful. I spent 9-4 doing nothing but sitting in class or in Shriver doing homework.. Oh my poor dear, my 60 hr work week heart bleeds for you. You had to sit in class?? I think my head is gonna explode.. kinda like my car's engine.. make that my first car.. as in ex-car
. Actually that does suck. SOOO I am currently carless. Yay b/c am I finally going to get a cooler car? nope. I'm getting another POS that I have to share with my brother. Actually I think my dad just ended up buying a new engine, so I didn't have to pay for an engine or car which is cool. Well I have to go finish my napoleon research, read 20 pg's for my calc theory paper, and read 50 pages in MBI. Gotta love school. Actually that sounds like an easy day, can I have that work?
You are very lucky :)
Also I love your edits to your old blog post. If only we could go back in time!!
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